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Trek Bicycle London Battersea is your destination for the latest products from Trek, Electra, Bontrager and Rapha. We offer 24 hour service and tune-ups for bikes of any brand. We are conveniently located in Battersea, and our friendly team are standing by to provide great advice on what is best suited for you to be cruising through Richmond Park, gliding into the city of London on your daily commute or hitting the trails at Leith Hill. Our passion for helping the London community of cycling really drives us every day to grow. We strongly believe in helping our local community, whether that is through the charities we support or our regular social events including shop rides and in-store clinics and classes. We want to be a friendly hub where you can come in, hang out and have a coffee with us, not only just to buy a bike. We are here to help! Be sure to follow us on Facebook for updates on the latest happenings and events. You can email the store at [email protected]
— Trek Bicycle Battersea
Balíky našich služieb
Chcete sa dozvedieť viac o tom, čo zahŕňa vyladenie bicykla? Preskúmajte našu ponuku servisných balíkov nižšie.
Level One:
The scrub down
The scrub down
Recommended every 25+ hours of riding
-Align and adjust brakes
-Tune and adjust shifting
-Torque all fasteners
-Align and adjust brakes
-Tune and adjust shifting
-Torque all fasteners
Level Two:
The deep clean
The deep clean
Recommended every 50+ hours of riding
-Includes all Level One services
-Deep clean drivetrain
-Lateral and vertical wheel true
-Inspect bottom bracket
-Clean and polish bike
-Includes all Level One services
-Deep clean drivetrain
-Lateral and vertical wheel true
-Inspect bottom bracket
-Clean and polish bike
Level Three:
The strip down
The strip down
Recommended every 100+ hours of riding
-Includes all Level One and Level Two services
-Disassemble and deep-clean all parts
-New cables, housing, and bearing systems*
-Advanced wheel true
-Replace front and rear suspension wipers, seals, and oil**
*Cost of replacement parts not included in package price.
**Pricing may vary for bikes with suspension. Stop in for an estimate.
-Includes all Level One and Level Two services
-Disassemble and deep-clean all parts
-New cables, housing, and bearing systems*
-Advanced wheel true
-Replace front and rear suspension wipers, seals, and oil**
*Cost of replacement parts not included in package price.
**Pricing may vary for bikes with suspension. Stop in for an estimate.
Doplnkové služby pre elektrobicykle
Naše servisné balíčky sú vhodné aj pre elektrobicykle! Elektrobicykel potrebuje dôkladnú údržbu rovnako ako klasický bicykel. V prípade elektrobicyklov Trek však ponúkame aj niekoľko doplnkových služieb, ktoré sú určené špeciálne pre systémy elektrického pohonu.*
Doplnkové služby pre elektrobicykle
– Aktualizácia softvéru
– Demontáž alebo montáž novej batérie či motora
Neviete, čo váš elektrobicykel potrebuje? Kontaktujte miestneho predajcu alebo sa osobne zastavte v predajni a vyžiadajte si informácie o servisných balíčkoch pre elektrobicykle v ich ponuke.
* Nevzťahuje sa na niektoré modely elektrobicyklov. Kontaktuje miestneho predajcu alebo sa osobne zastavte v predajni a vyžiadajte si ďalšie informácie.
Doplnkové služby pre elektrobicykle
– Aktualizácia softvéru
– Demontáž alebo montáž novej batérie či motora
Neviete, čo váš elektrobicykel potrebuje? Kontaktujte miestneho predajcu alebo sa osobne zastavte v predajni a vyžiadajte si informácie o servisných balíčkoch pre elektrobicykle v ich ponuke.
* Nevzťahuje sa na niektoré modely elektrobicyklov. Kontaktuje miestneho predajcu alebo sa osobne zastavte v predajni a vyžiadajte si ďalšie informácie.