郑重提醒:为保护您的消费权益,请不要在未经授权的线上或线下渠道购买 Trek 及 Bontrager 商品,否则可能存在严重质量缺陷,也无法享受相关售后保修政策。

Trek Bicycle Barcelona Centre | Trek Bicycle Barcelona Centre


Alquilamos bicicletas!

¿Listo para tu próxima aventura sobre dos ruedas? Alquila una bicicleta en nuestra tienda ahora. Para reservas o información adicional, por favor contáctenos por teléfono o correo electrónico.

Precio mínimo garantizado

Igualaremos el precio de cualquier producto disponible en nuestra tienda o en trekbikes.com.


  • 商店地址
  • Carrer de Bailèn 86
  • Barcelona, 08009  España
  • 34936282892
  • 获取路线
星期日 关闭
11:00 AM-8:00 PM
星期二 11:00 AM-8:00 PM
星期三 11:00 AM-8:00 PM
星期四 11:00 AM-8:00 PM
星期五 11:00 AM-8:00 PM
星期六 关闭
  • 34936282892
  • 获取路线

e-bikes 101

We’re excited to get people riding e-bikes, and we know there are lots of questions about them. Check out the link below or stop in to talk with our experts to learn more about what electric bikes are all about!


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想了解自行车调整包括哪些内容吗? 请在下方浏览我们不同的服务套餐。

build Level One:
The scrub down
Recommended every 25+ hours of riding
-Align and adjust brakes
-Tune and adjust shifting
-Torque all fasteners
build Level Two:
The deep clean
Recommended every 50+ hours of riding
-Includes all Level One services
-Deep clean drivetrain
-Lateral and vertical wheel true
-Inspect bottom bracket
-Clean and polish bike
build Level Three:
The strip down
Recommended every 100+ hours of riding
-Includes all Level One and Level Two services
-Disassemble and deep-clean all parts
-New cables, housing, and bearing systems*
-Advanced wheel true
-Replace front and rear suspension wipers, seals, and oil**

*Cost of replacement parts not included in package price.

**Pricing may vary for bikes with suspension. Stop in for an estimate.
build Additional e-bike services
Our service packages are electric bike compatible! You can have the same work done on your e-bike as any non-electric bike. However, we do offer a few additional add-on services for Trek e-bikes that cater specifically to their e-systems.*

Add-on e-bike service

– Software update
– Removal and installation of a new battery or motor

Not sure what your e-bike needs? Give your local retailer a call or visit to learn more about their e-bike service offerings.

*Excludes certain e-bike models. Call or visit your local retailer for more information.


如果您对订单有任何不满,请在 30 天内将其退回,以进行退款或换货。


我们保证店内和 trekbikes.com 网站上的产品价格统一。

所有品牌和型号 24 小时维修服务

专业的技术人员将在 24 小时内维修您的爱车,如需更长时间我们将为您免费提供暂用替代车。

