Trek Bicycle Myaree | Trek Bicycle Myaree


Great rides near you

Looking for local route recommendations? We got you. This is a collection of the very best road, mountain, and family rides in the area, complete with digital route maps!

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  • Guardar dirección
  • 1 / 276 Leach Hwy
  • Myaree, Western Australia, 6154  Australia
  • 0893541977
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Horario de la tienda
Cerramos pronto. ¡Ven rápido!
Lunes 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
Martes 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
Miércoles 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
9:00 AM-5:30 PM
Viernes 9:00 AM-5:30 PM
Sábado 10:00 AM-4:00 PM
Domingo Cerrado
  • 0893541977
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Revisiones de Google

Nuestra bio tienda

Trek Bicycle Myaree is your destination for the latest products from Trek, Electra, and Bontrager, service and tune-ups for bikes of any brand, and fun and friendly local group rides. We’re conveniently located in the Southwest Perth Metro Region close to awesome places to ride, like the River Loop, the Kwinana Freeway, Jarrahdale, and more. If you’re looking to explore the area, we have bikes for all kinds of riders, from the latest carbon road machines to full suspension mountain bikes for even the gnarliest terrain. Whatever your experience level and however you like to ride, we welcome you to stop by, meet our team, and see what we have to offer. We can’t wait to ride with you!

Nuestros paquetes de servicio

¿Quieres tener más información sobre lo que incluye el ajuste de una bici? Explora nuestros diferentes paquetes de servicio abajo.

build Level 1 Service Package
Recommended every 25-hours
Everything torqued, aligned, and adjusted.

After a bike wash, we’ll dial in your brakes, tune and adjust your shifting to perfection, and ensure that all fasteners are torqued to manufacture specifications

• Align and adjust brakes
• Align and adjust shifting
• Adjust headset
• Inspect bottom bracket
• Bike wash

Replacement parts not included in service package price.
build Level 2 Service Package
Recommended every 50-hours
Everything cleaned, tensioned, aligned, and adjusted.

After a bike wash and thorough deep clean of the drivetrain, we’ll true and tension the wheels, dial in your brakes, tune and lube your shifting to perfection.

Level 2 includes everything from the Level 1 plus:
• Remove and deep clean all drivetrain components
• Lateral and vertical wheel true

Additional 50-hour Suspension Service Recommended for Mountain:
• Fork seal and rear air can service

Replacement parts not included in service package price.
build Level 3 Service Package
From $399*
Recommended every 100-hours
The entire bike stripped, cleaned, lubed, and tuned to perfection.

Every bolt, every bearing, every part. We’ll start by stripping your bike to the bare frame for a deep clean and inspection, then we’ll re-lube inner surfaces and rebuild it. If it’s been a while, or if you have put serious miles in all-conditions, this one’s for you.

Level 3 is everything included in Level 2 plus:
• Disassemble entire bike and deep clean all parts
• Overhaul and replace all bearing systems
• Flush and replace hydraulic brakes
• Replace and re-route all cables and housing
• Overhaul front and rear mountain bike suspension and dropper post

Replacement parts not included in service package price.

*Pricing may vary for bikes with suspension. Ask your service technician for details.

Que te encante, si no, podrás devolverlo

Si no estás totalmente satisfecho con tu compra, devuélvela dentro de un plazo de 30 días para que te hagamos un cambio o un reembolso.

Garantía de bajo precio

Igualaremos el precio de los productos que tenemos en la tienda o en

Mantenimiento en 24 horas para todas las líneas y modelos

Nuestros técnicos expertos harán el mantenimiento de tu bici en un plazo de 24 horas o te prestaremos una bici de manera gratuita.

Tu nueva tienda de bicis favorita

Para todos los ciclistas, desde primerizos hasta los más profesionales. ¡Estamos para ayudar!