Bike helmet accessories and replacement parts

While their main purpose is to help keep you safer, there are lots of useful things you can add to your helmet that help make every ride better. Whether you want to mount a camera or light, or really just need to replace your smelly helmet pads, these bike helmet accessories help you get the most fun and function out of your helmet.


Daytime Running Lights are an important accessory you can add to your bike to help increase visibility. They can help alert drivers of your presence, which may give them more time to react. Lights can also be used at night to help you see your route ahead on the road or the trail. Riders often mount lights directly on their bike, but with the correct attachments you can also mount bike lights to many helmets. Pro tip: angle the light downward so that there’s less of a chance it will interfere with an oncoming rider’s vision in low light conditions and at night.

Blendr helmet mount integration

Bike helmet light mounts let you attach your lights directly to your helmet. Bontrager Blendr mounts make it super easy to magnetically secure compatible Bontrager lights and GoPro cameras to select Bontrager helmets. See and be seen!

Shop Blender compatible accessories

Bike helmet visors

Visors work wonders to block the sun from your face, and they even help keep rain out of your eyes while you ride. Modern visors have lots of useful features, and you can find visors that are adjustable, removable, and even come with plugs that cover the installation holes.

Replacement pads

Soaked helmet sweat pads deteriorate over time. And even though most pads are machine washable, there might come a time when getting a fresh set makes more sense. It’s easy to find bike helmet replacement pads for most helmets, and installing new ones helps keep your helmet fresh, clean, and comfortable.

Bike helmet mirror

Mirrors can often be attached directly to your helmet or glasses to give you a better view of what’s behind you without needing to turn around.


Adventure cameras, like GoPro’s, can be mounted to your helmet to capture your on-bike experiences and share them with others. You can use special mounts to attach a camera to your bike helmet.

Rain covers

Ventilation is normally a great thing—just not when it’s pouring outside! Rain covers fit right over your helmet to prevent water from getting in through the vents.

Bike helmet stickers

Add stickers to your helmet for an extra pop of fun. For example, Trek offers Trek-Segafredo team stickers for our highest-end racing helmets, and select kids bike helmets come with a sticker pack!